Swinburne University of Technology Privacy Statement

We value your privacy

Swinburne University of Technology acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. We advise that much of the information that you may have provided to, or may be asked to provide, to Swinburne University of Technology is 'personal information'. As a general rule, personal information is not released by Swinburne University of Technology to other organisations, except in response to legal requirements such as a subpoena, and information regarding an individual will not be disclosed to a third party without the individual's consent, except where the third party is directly acting as our agent. 

Why do we collect your information

This information is normally collected for the purposes of processing your application, registration or inquiry for a Swinburne University of Technology course, activity or interest group. Information that we collect will be used for keeping you informed of upcoming events, improving the student experience and assisting us in improving and marketing our services to you. For more information refer to the Privacy Collection Notice via the following link: https://www.swinburne.edu.au/privacy/